January 7, 2021
Hi friends!
August came around pretty quickly, didn’t it? I hope this finds you all well!
Our home and school scenarios have changed so dramatically from this time last year, and it sure can be challenging to find different ways to cope and stay positive. For those of you who don’t follow me on Instagram (yet), I want to revisit something I posted a couple of weeks ago.
Studies show that the happiest people find joy in the little things, not the big things.Find more appreciation for: a quiet cup of coffee…playing in the ocean…listening to a record…holding hands…a delicious meal…white roses…puppy cuddles…the list goes on. Enjoy the seemingly small moments, those are the ones that count.

STAY HYDRATED. A healthy habit you should put high on your list of priorities each day!
Surprisingly, many of us don’t put enough water into our bodies every day. You’ve heard it so many times: drink a minimum of eight, 8oz. glasses of water every day!
…But do you?
Drinking plenty of water has multiple health benefits, including aiding in digestion, keeping your organs running smoothly, and keeping your mood and brain function in check. Staying hydrated is great for your skin as well!
Here are some pro tips to keep you drinking all day:
- Invest in an insulated water bottle or tumbler and take it with you everywhere as a constant reminder to drink up and fill up.
- Add a couple drops of citrus essential oil to your water for a refreshing taste and a metabolic boost. Try lemon, wild orange, grapefruit or lime!
- Drink water before coffee to get your first 8oz in early and set the tone of the day, or try some hot water with ginger and lemon oil.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, “vitamin” water and flavored seltzer do not replace regular water!!

Moving on to Pilates, and the exercise of the month: The Rollup!
It’s the second exercise we do on the mat, and one of the most challenging, yet beneficial for those with tight lower backs. If yours is tight, bend your knees.
1. With legs together, lift your arms to the ceiling, and then reach them back behind you, only as far as you can keep your ribcage and back muscles connected
2. Bring the arms back up over the shoulders, lift your head up and through your arms and curl, curl, curl your chest up over the ribcage as you come up to seated
3. Give yourself a deep stretch forward, reaching beyond the toes. Roll back down, using the backs of the legs for support, pulling yourself to the mat with your c-curve
Remember, lead with the powerhouse, not with the shoulders! Enjoy the stretch to iron out and lengthen your spine!
For more info on virtual private lessons, click here! Have some friends and want to work out together? Pick a time and let’s start your own virtual group class! Virtual instruction is so much more fun (and beneficial) than working out to videos!

A word on the importance of a nutritious breakfast: it’s so easy to skip, but so important that you don’t! A healthy breakfast starts the day off right, and gives you plenty of fuel to get you to lunch without feeling “hangry” or sluggish!
Here are two delicious oatmeal variations that are satisfying and good for you!
Be Well Overnight Oats
This is a nice chilled option for hot summer days!
¼ cup steel cut oats (I use Bob’s Red Mill)
1 TB chia seeds
1 TB nut butter
½ banana, sliced
Drizzle of honey
Drizzle of vanilla
½ cup almond milk
Stir, cover, refrigerate overnight
Top with blueberries and/or sliced almonds, enjoy!
Maple Cinnamon Blueberry Baked Oatmeal from Eat With Clarity
note: I use agave in place of maple syrup

Eating healthy doesn’t have to be boring when you have tasty sauces and dressings to spice things up!
It’s super easy to make your own sauces and dressings, and by doing so you know you are avoiding extra sugar, sodium and unpronounceables. The recipes I’m including can be tweaked to your liking. We tend to be heavy on the spice in this house, so if you prefer a little less of this, a little more of that, go for it!
Pro Tip: grab some mason jars for quick mixing, shaking and storing!

The essential oil I’m highlighting this month is InTune.
Also called ‘the focus blend’, the oils that comprise InTune (frankincense, roman chamomile, sandalwood, to name a few) are traditionally used for their abilities to promote calmness, focus, and a balanced state of mind. Applied to the back of the neck, bottoms of feet, or diffused, InTune is used to help with ADD/ADHD, anxiety, clarity, stress, concentration. This roller blend lives on the desk of every member of my family, whether for work or school.
Just in time for back to school, it’s 15% off for the month of August! For more info on the healing powers of these plant based wonder oils, click here.
I hope you all have a wonderful month ahead filled with special moments and lots of good “little things!”
Be Strong, Be Healthy, Be Well
xo, Cassandra